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Frequently asked questions DELTA Safety Training


Click on a safety question below and you can find the right answer!

  • Why, when putting out a fire, do we need to know what is in the fire?

    The correct answer is answer A: Then you know if you have the right extinguisher with you. When putting out a fire, it is important to know what is on fire so you can start using the right extinguishing agent. The extinguishing agent water is often a good extinguishing agent, but not, for example, precisely not with deep-frying fat.
  • Watch out for the rotor blades, so always approach a helicopter from the front.

    The correct answer is answer B: Not true. There are many different helicopters you can fly. The procedures can sometimes be a little different, but they all have one thing in common: never approach a helicopter from the front. Always listen to the HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) and approach the helicopter from the side.
  • What is the most common cause of death in Sea Survival?

    The correct answer is answer C: Drowning by "Cold Shock." The Cold Shock is the most common cause of death of the whole process you face while surviving in (cold) water. The Cold Shock is an automatic reaction of the human body to cold water. It is a gasp reflex in which you can only hold your breath for an average of 5 seconds. If you are not wearing the proper personal protective equipment, you will not be able to keep yourself above water and you will drown.
  • What is the golden rule of Sea Survival?

    The correct answer is answer C: Try to stay dry. When you are wet you lose more heat and so you become hypothermic faster. When you stay dry you have a better chance of survival.
  • What extinguishing agent do you use to extinguish a metal fire?

    The correct answer is answer C: Don't, we leave that to the fire department. On average, metal only starts burning at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Aluminum a little earlier. With these high temperatures, we need to get away from the hazard as quickly as possible. We do not have the proper knowledge, clothing or extinguishing agents to put out such a fire, we leave this to the professionals.
  • You may take the FOET training if you are in possession of...

    The correct answer is answer A: A valid BOSIET, FOET or TBOSIET certificate. FOET stands for Further Offshore Emergency Training and is the refresher training of the BOSIET. The course may be taken if you have a valid BOSIET, FOET or TBOSIET certificate.
  • What is a jack-up platform?

    The correct answer is answer A: A floating work platform that is equipped with a number of legs enabling it to stand on the seabed.
  • An aerial work platform is ...?

    The correct answer is answer A: A lifting device equipped with one or more guided lifting surfaces and designed for lifting persons and possibly light goods.